Trapeze artist to fly 300 feet over Niagara Falls by teeth and toes
Daredevil and trapeze artist Erendira Wallenda plans to fly over Niagara Falls hanging by her teeth and toes, while on a hoop tethered to a helicopter, to celebrate the five-year anniversary of her husband’s famed tightrope walk across the falls.
Erendira Wallenda discussed her plans on Wednesday during a news conference on the American side of the falls.
Wallenda’s stunt is planned for Thursday, the fifth anniversary of Nik Wallenda’s televised 1,800-foot tightrope walk from the New York side of Niagara Falls into Canada.
The stunt is scheduled to be televised Thursday morning at 8:30 a.m. EST.
The helicopter will fly 300 feet above the falls. The performance is expected to take between five to seven minutes with Wallenda back on the ground at 8:45 a.m.
Five members of the famed Wallenda circus troupe fell from a high-wire in Sarasota, Florida, in February while practicing an eight-person pyramid. Everyone survived.
The Niagara Falls, New York Gazette contributed to this story.