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Wentworth to lead merged college

The State Board of the Technical College System of Georgia voted today to approve Commissioner Ron Jackson’s selection ...


Workers ‘top out’ high school project

Close to 300 people came together July 29 on the site of the new Colquitt County High School ...


Church group gives to Humane Society

The Friendship Baptist Church MIAs auxiliary, under the leadership of the Rev. Alfred Jones, chose the Colquitt County ...


Schools hold open house

Beth Miller, at right, choir teacher at C.A. Gray Junior High School, welcomes parents and students during the ...


Annual National Night Out to be held Tuesday

Residents can take a bite out of a hot dog Tuesday while also helping take a bite out ...


Police nab shooting suspect

A suspect in a June shooting whom police had been seeking for a month was jailed this week ...


Feud grows into alleged assault

A Colquitt County man involved in an ongoing feud with another man ratcheted up the conflict by allegedly ...


Three burglary suspects arrested

A witness’ description of a car and three people who were seen at a Cedar Street residence helped ...


Horne named principal

A Norman Park native has returned to his roots in Colquitt County as  principal at Willie J. Williams ...


Grand Jury Duty

The following residents have been summoned to serve on the Colquitt County Superior Court Grand Jury. Those listed ...

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