Rants and Raves
Observation: “I’ve lived in several states over the years and I’ve read many newspapers in that time. I’ve also traveled worldwide. So to the person who charges the local newspaper with being far-left on its opinion page, apparently you haven’t read George Will, Cal Thomas and Byron York on this very page. They are very conservative. So we are offered a variety of opinions, conservative and liberal. Be thankful, in some foreign countries you only get what the state allows which is mostly propaganda.
Big deal?
“What’s the big deal with the customer pulling his gun on the shoplifter. I don’t think he intended to fire the weapon but rather to scare him into stopping.
Gun toter
“I am a licensed gun toter. I would not pull my gun unless I felt some bodily harm was about to come to someone.
Choosing pets
“Thanks for the editorial about choosing pets. Too many people get pets with no idea of the responsibility required. The cuteness wears off and so does their attention. Youngsters should not have pets without parents explaining those responsibilities.
Me, too
“The opinion piece on ‘March for Science’ was great. I’m one of those who is alive today because of modern medical science. Others in my family would say the same about themselves, as well as some of my friends. Where would we be in feeding the world today if it were not for science?
Playing God
“The problem with science is when scientists play God. I’m not for that.
“Thanks to The Observer for running the citizens’ opinions about the roundabout. There comments were interesting.
“Thanks to County Commission for voicing its support for the roundabout. We understand that without that support the state DOT would not pursue the project.
Pay attention
“I guess someone wasn’t listening. The money for the roundabout is federal. And we cannot choose to apply those funds to other projects. Pay attention!
Our health
“Yes I read the article about the little girl playing the violin with the prosthetic arm. Too many times we take our good health for granted but can be humbled quickly.