SHS senior drowns days before graduation
LURAVILLE, Fla. — A Suwannee High School senior drowned Thursday night, just two days before he was set to graduate.
According to Suwannee County Sheriff Sam St. John, 19-year-old Trey Hines drowned in the Suwannee River near Telford Spring.
Hines went to Telford Spring on Thursday with his girlfriend and her family, according to St. John.
When they began swimming in the river, Hines walked alongside at the edge of the river.
St. John said the SHS student then slipped and fell off a log and into the river. He went under and never came back up, according to the sheriff.
Hines’ girlfriend tried to rescue him and St. John said a nearby fisherman, who has experience as a diver, also dove in to help, but to no avail.
St. John said when the Suwannee County Sheriff’s Office’s boat arrived, they were finally able to locate the victim.
“It is certainly a tragic moment in the time of Suwannee High School on the eve of graduation and for the Trey Hines family,” Superintendent of Schools Ted Roush said. “Our thoughts and prayers are with them at this sad moment.”