Fund raisers under way for shooting victim

MOULTRIE, Ga. — Family and friends are raising money to support a young shooting victim as she struggles to recover.

Sherrie Buckland, 23, of Norman Park, was shot Feb. 25 in the 400 block of Hampton Way in Moultrie. Taylor Wade Walker, 23, of Norman Park, who has been identified as her boyfriend, has been charged with aggravated assault and other offenses in connection with the attack.

Wade Hall, Buckland’s cousin, said a chicken dinner plate fundraiser will be held April 11 at the Moultrie Moose Lodge. Plates will consist of a leg quarter, potato salad, baked beans, bread and a slice of cake. Tickets are $10 and all proceeds will go toward helping Buckland and to raise awareness of domestic violence. Purchase tickets by April 7. The event is drive-thru only with pickup from 5 to 8 p.m.

The family is also selling “Sherrie Strong” T-Shirts, from sizes YS to 5X. The gray and purple shirts are available for $22 from Georgia Boy Embroidery in Moultrie. Call Georgia Boy at (229) 890-0084 for more information and to order.

Hall has set up a Go Fund Me page at The page has raised about half of its $10,000 goal.

On the Go Fund Me page, Hall describes the damage to Buckland’s body.

“The bullet entered her chest, went through her lung, her liver, busted her diaphragm, hit her spine, and severed her spinal cord at T10,” he states. “She has no feeling from the stomach down and specialists in Tallahassee have told us they find it too risky to try and even remove the bullet. They’ve also told Sherrie to prepare herself to live a whole new lifestyle, as life will be a challenge with not being able to walk again.”

Anyone wishing to send a letter of encouragement can address it to: “Sherrie” c/o Wade Hall, 7138 Hwy. 319 N., Omega, GA 31775 or to Sherrie Buckland c/o Penny Buckland-Tillery, 114 Cool Springs Church Road, Norman Park, GA 31771.