Crime reports for March 7, 2019


Sheriff Office

• Billy Sell, 42, 801 S. Eighth St., was charged on Thursday with driving without license and no registration.

• Joseph Branch, 26, 225 Indian Lake Drive, Lot 6, was charged on Wednesday with driving without license.

• Keith Weldon, 54, 970 Circle Road, was charged on Wednesday with possession of methamphetamine.

• Lashley Hinson, 28, 1405 Lonnie Brookard Road, Norman Park, was charged on Feb. 23 with driving without license.

Moultire Police

• James Butler 32, 226 Bowles Road, Baconton, Ga., was charged on Thursday with driving while license withdrawn.

• Rico Haynes, 23, 615 11th St. S.E., was charged on Tuesday with simple battery.

Probation violation

Sheriff Office

• Marquan Green, 22, 800 Seventh Ave. S.E.

Moultire Police

• Rhonda Lawson, 53, 1339 Moultire-Lenox Road, Lenox, Ga.

Other incidents

Sheriff’s Office

• Mitchell Williams reported to the Colquitt County Sheriff Department that someone hit a 2014 Chevy Impala on First Avenue Southeast, causing damage to the passenger side door of the vehicle, which is owned by the Moultrie Fire Department.