Bowling tournament to help caregivers
VALDOSTA — Robin Parks credits Alzheimer’s Caregiver Time Out for assisting her through a complex period in her life.
She was present at Guardian Bank during a bake sale Friday, Aug. 17, to help collect event fees for an upcoming bowling tournament ACTO will host.
Prior to her mother’s passing, Parks said it was difficult to find someone to stay with her mother, who suffered from dementia, while she worked.
“I was trying to work and have a caregiver come into the house, and they just wanted to sit, watch tv, play on their phone,” she said.
Parks began to utilize the services of ACTO, an organization that cares for patients dealing with Alzheimer’s or dementia while their permanent caregivers receive a break.
“Coming to ACTO, she just livened up. She just became more sociable, not withdrawn from society,” said Parks. “She would go to church (and) become more involved.”
Parks now works for the organization as an activities director. ACTO Assistant Andrea Kollman labeled working with clients as the “hardest best job (she’s) ever had.”
“They’re all amazing in their own different ways,” Kollman said.
To raise funding for the organization, the group will host a Time Out for Bowling Tournament 2-5 p.m., Sept. 14, at Jac’s Bowling Lanes, 406 Connell Road.
Teams of five will compete in 9-Pin Tap, 3-6-9 and 10-frame standard bowling, according to Ann Walker-Smith, executive director.
Bronze sponsorships consist of five-person team entry without lane sponsorship for $250. Sponsoring a lane and receiving social media recognition is also $250.
Silver sponsorship includes lane sponsorship, five-person team entry, five food tickets and social media recognition for $500.
Gold sponsorship includes a thank you banner, lane sponsorship, five-person team entry, five food tickets and social media recognition for $1,000.
“We are United Way funded … the other two-thirds of our bills comes from love offerings, donations and fundraising, so, we lean heavily on fundraisers to pay utilities, our payroll, buy things for our clients,” Smith said.
Clients pay $5 per day, or $50 per month, for ACTO services, according to Smith.
During the tournament, there will be a 50/50 prize giveaway in which a ticket winner will receive half of the collected monies in a pot. The other half goes to ACTO. One ticket is $1, and six tickets are $5.
Organizers are still accepting donations for the silent auction that will be present, as well. There will be door prizes.
Sponsorship and team registration can be completed by calling (229) 245-9094 or by emailing
Amanda Usher is a reporter at The Valdosta Daily Times. She can be contacted at 229-244-3400 ext.1274.