BoE approves cameras for every classroom

MOULTRIE – The Colquitt County Board of Education approved plans to install cameras in every classroom.

The board voted unanimously Monday to begin the process of installing 360-degree cameras in every classroom of every school. The process began during the summer, said Angela Hobby, CCSD communications coordinator. 

“The school district had begun the research for the products during the summer. We began looking at the possibility to better prepare our teachers, students and families in the event of any interruption to instruction, such as we experienced during March of 2020 due to COVID or bad weather days,” Hobby said in an email conversation preceding the meeting.

The board had accepted the Kloud 12 classroom video perfected product after a company presentation during the board’s August 23 meeting. During the presentation, school board Chairman Robby Pitts noted the camera’s 360-degree view can help with “capturing all aspects of a lesson; any disciplinary problems and provide security for parents, teachers and students.” 

The Kloud 12 system will record lessons throughout the day and teachers can position them in a variety of ways, according to company presenters. While the product does default to Google Drive, teachers can store footage of their lessons on “most major cloud softwares or directly to their computer,” the presenters stated.

“The camera system enables a teacher to record different aspects of the lesson and place them on a Google Classroom site, such as the steps to a math problem,” Hobby stated.

Hobby explained the project is expected to be approved through the CARES funding project.

“(CARES) is designed for purposes related to learning loss and the sorely needed technology during the COVID shutdown to make online learning more accessible.”

The total cost of implementation is $1,521,045 with an annual maintenance cost of approximately $59,000, according to Jeremy Jones, CCSD chief financial officer. Payment will be made after the installation is completed for each school. 

Kloud 12 will begin installation in “late October or early November and finish all schools by February,” Hobby said. 

“All work will be completed after school hours and will start with our six through 12 schools. After six through 12 schools are operational, work will begin on each elementary school.”

Once camera systems are installed, the school system will begin teachers’ training at each school. 

“We believe parents will be very impressed with this camera system’s capabilities to enhance instruction and safety,” Hobby said.

In other action taken by the board, the Colquitt County High School Family, Career and Community Leaders of America were recognized for state and national honors.

“There are many kids who are here tonight that show distinction within this group and beyond,” Pitts said.

The board approved the ABM Energy Lease Refinance Authorizing Resolution and Contract; the transfer of the Odom Elementary bank account to Ameris Bank and agreed to the field trips for Doerun Elementary, Odom Elementary, the blanket athletic and marching band travel requests for 2021-22, the Okapilco Elementary School Washington, D.C., trip and the 50th Regiment Band’s overnight stay for band competition.

Other important dates to remember: the Sept. 29 meeting with the architectural group Altman + Barrett; this was approved during the May meeting. The group will inspect all schools within the county throughout the coming school year and make recommendations to the board on any updates needed. Oct. 6 will be an early release day and the homecoming parade will take place 6 p.m., Oct. 7.

The next regularly scheduled board meeting will take place 6:30 p.m., Oct.11.