LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The future of America at stake Nov. 3
Why write editorials, you know no-one pays attention? If one person listens I feel the effort worthwhile. I feel we have excessive hypocrisy in government. Violence throughout our country is accepted without any real effort for change. When this nations laws are at risk we stand to lose our freedom which is so cherished. Today I listened to a British gentleman on the radio lamenting the loss of British pride in London and other major cities, while life and respect for country still exist in British suburbia. Pro-Brexit desire has split Britain down the middle and destroyed national pride. This “America” is dangerously close to loosing our constitutional rights to exist freely. Our fate as a nation will be determined this November 3rd as we choose freedom over socialism. The leftist agenda have filed notice in the direction they intend to take our future as a nation. (Be so warned). Tom Rogers Moultrie, Ga. |