Growing Georgia, May 2017
“Growing Georgia,” an online publication of Growing America, features articles and videos related to farming in the Peach State.
Click below for recent issues:
May 31: Robots on the farm: What’s coming next will change everything.
May 30: Ohio closes prison farms saying ag skills don’t translate to real world jobs.
May 26: Stories — When it rains.
May 25: Millions more mouths to feed: Learning from China’s dilemma.
May 24: Strong reactions to big cuts in ag programs.
May 23: Cattle rustling: Cash cows for desperate thieves.
May 22: New study explains why some food claims matter, some don’t.
May 19: The beef between “organic” and “conventional farming.”
May 18: Attacking bald eagles, the USDA and a farmer.
May 17: Bovine TB challenges hamper control; new test may hold promise.
May 16: Summertime weather watch: What’s ahead.
May 15: Trade gains new voice; U.S. beef back in China.
May 14: Stories: Trying to feed America.
May 11: Soybean exports are booming — Take advantage now.
May 10: Where have all the doctors gone?
May 9: Serving up flies to livestock? It’s coming.
May 8: Secretary Perdue gets down to business.
May 5: “We can’t be organic because …”
May 4: Ag producer sentiment inches higher in April.
May 3: America’s Thoroughbred Capital: Farther south than you think.
May 2: Going up: The verdict on the value of vertical farming.
May 1: Farm Bureau welcomes decision to improve NAFTA.