Rants and Raves
“If Norman Park council doesn’t declare those parking tickets as just warnings, you will be forever known as ‘Scrooge.’
How tacky!
“It was no surprise that Norman Park police handed out parking tickets in a new ‘no parking’ zone. This is typical of small towns where traffic fines are crucial to their budgets. How tacky!
Barney Fife
“Yep, the Norman Park police struck at the heart of crime last week. Folks, this is something Barney Fife would do. Why not just write ‘Ba Humbug’ on the tickets to teach these hardened criminals a lesson?
Welcome back
“Mr. Walden, good to have you back. I wish you continued health improvement. And I really enjoyed your Sunday column about those people who don’t know a deer from a cow. Several years ago, someone shot one of my dad’s cows while night hunting.
Parking tickets
“We’ve often seen the Norman Park police parked in the turn lanes, stalking any passing tourists with their speed traps. But preying on local school-lunch visitors? Scrooge!
“There are lots of drugs inside our jails and prisons. Why can’t the drug sniffing dogs do walk-rounds once a week.
The answer
“A ranter wondered why the taxpayers are paying for a vehicle for the CCHS principal. They are not. The vehicle was donated by a dealership whose owner lives in Colquitt County and is a strong supporter of our schools.
Fake news
“Speaking of ‘fake news’, I have an acquaintance who routinely sends out this kind of junk. It’s so blatantly fake that only a moron could believe it. I don’t know if he does it as a joke or if he believes this crap.
“Let’s all make a New Year’s resolution to attend local public meetings more often in 2017. Let’s declare a position of ‘trust but verify.’ Asks questions, offer suggestions, observe.
The circus
“You people put a clown in office. Now get ready for the circus.
“So why won’t Trump pursue an investigation against Hillary Clinton? That was much of his theme duing his campaign.
“I find it amusing when these columnists make such negative remarks about ‘main stream media’ when they make their living in that same venue. Isn’t this a bit of irony?
Good thing
“I support the electoral college concept. I think it protects us.