YMCA gymnasts set records in Tifton
MOULTRIE — The Moultrie YMCA gymnastics teams traveled to Tifton to compete in the Dream It Invitational this past weekend.
“Hard work makes dreams come true,” said Coach Pat Murphy. “The girls are really hot right now and it was another record-breaking day.”
Amber Ross broke Timia Fowler’s AAU Level 3 all around record by scoring 36.35.
“Amber had a wonderful meet, she was so tight,” said Murphy.
Ross took first on all events: vault 9.3; bars 9.05; beam 8.95; and floor 9.05.
“She is the leader of our team,” said Murphy.
The next best gymnast was Aja McLemore, scoring 34.975 for third place in the 8-year-old age group.
McLemore had personal bests on bars, an 8.6, for second place, and beam, 8.75 for fourth place.
She counted for team score on floor 8.875 3rd place.
“Aja is an excellent all around athlete,” said Murphy.
Brooklyn Ritter scored 34.625 all around as the next highest scoring gymnast and took a first place on vault with a 9.2.
“Brooklyn’s speed and vault form led her to this score which is a personal best,” said Murphy.
Aubrey Snyder had three personal bests: on vault, a 9.375 for second; beam, an 8.55 for third; and floor 8.55 for second. Snyder’s vault score counted for team and her 34.475 all around earned her a second place in the 10-year- old age group.
“This is only Aubrey’s third competition and she has stepped up to be a leader on vault,” said Murphy.
The next highest scorer was Kelsey Phillips with two personal bests: on vault, with a 9.25 for first, which counted toward team, and floor with an 8.35 for second.
“Kelsey has great practice ethics and her determination led her into a great performance,” said Murphy.
Phillips also earned a second place in her age group with a 34.35 AA.
Janna Tucker came in next with a 34.15 AA for third in her age group.
Tucker broke two personal bests with a 8.95 vault third and bars 8.4 second which also counted for team.
Shan Summerlin did well in the meet, bringing in two first places: on bars, an 8.4, which also counted for team score, and beam 8.35.
Summerlin’s floor 8.575 earned a second and place which was also a personal best along with vault 8.8.
Leah Grace Wiggins brought in a 9.0 on beam for first place in the 7 year old age group and counting for team score on that event as well as floor.
Wiggins also counted for team score on floor 8.9 third and an AA of 34.05 for 4th in her age group.
Rachel Sasine had a good meet with top event on beam scoring 8.95 for second in the 8 year old age group.
Sasine also had personal best on the floor, 8.8 and her all around scored 33.85, sixth place.
Denise Jenkins scored 8.3 bars, 8.55 beam, 8.175 floor and 33.375 all around, all for second places.
Evelyn Fagan was tight on beam with an 8.65, and was fifth and floor 8.525 for fourth place.
She earned 33.175 AA; all three events broke her last meet’s record.
Kristina Scott did well for recently having a broken finger, scoring 32.4 AA, fourth place in the 9-year-old age group.
“Kristina did a great job because she was practicing one handed for weeks, I was proud her performance” said Murphy.
Scott had her best of the season on floor 8.1 for third.
Scarlett Gully, new to gymnastics, also had a record-breaking day in Tifton by earning a 31.85 AA, sixth place.
Gully scored 8.85 on vault, 4th and 7.55 on bars, 6th both her best.
It was the first meet for the team’s youngest team member, Alexis Griner.
“Alexis did very well for her first time performing in front of a crowd. She looked very tight on bars, her favorite,” said Murphy.
Griner placed second with a 28.225 in the 6 year old age group.
The level 3 team placed second to Dream It of Tifton. The MG’s scored their highest, a 107.7.
“I was very pleased with these results so early in the season. Give us more practice and we might beat them in the spring meet,” said Murphy.
The Moultrie YMCA took two different level 4 teams to this competition.
The USA level 4 gymnasts also had an excellent day.
All three girls scored nines on their vaults.
Lakyn Davis led the team by scoring her best, 33.575 for fourth place in the 11-year-old age group.
“Lakyn has a special way of performing with lots of grace. She looks really pretty,” said Murphy.
Davis scored 9.4 on vault, first 8.3 beam, second, 8.675 on floor, 4th, all events were her personal best.
Hanna Friedlander also took a first place on vault scoring 9.3 in the 10-year-old age group.
“Hanna is improving her form every day at practice. She is starting to perform at meets in this new level,” said Murphy.
Friedlander’s next best event was the uneven bars, 8.45 for 4th place.
Jordan Yates also had a great vault scoring 9.0, 5th in the 7 year old age group.
“Jordan improved on all events, she really now understands how to compete,” said Murphy.
Yates next best event was the floor scoring 7.55.
The Moultrie MG Level 4 AAU team placed 1st scoring 106.975, a YMCA record. The gymnasts scored several 9’s and broke quite a few event records.
Tied for first place in the 9 year old age group was Allison Fagan and Sidney Cokely, both with an AA of 35.7.
Fagan broke the team record on vault, 9.6 for 1st and also took 1st on floor, 9.1.
“Allison’s speed on vault and grace on floor always garners high scores for the team,” said Murphy.
Fagan also broke her own record on beam, 8.75 2nd place.
Cokely blasted all four of her personal bests with a vault of 9.275 for third; broke the team records on bars and beam with 8.85 for first place on both and floor, 8.725, for second.
“Sidney has been working hard to improve strength and form and it’s really paid off for her,” said Murphy.
Timia Fowler had a record breaking AA of 34.15 and two first places on floor 8.9 and beam 8.5.
“Timia’s consistency in competition always helps our team score,” said Murphy.
Fowler’s scores counted on bars, beam and floor.
Clara Gene Vines scored a 9.525 on vault for second, 8.45 on floor for third, beam 8.05 third and 33.975 AA for third place breaking all four of her records.
“Clara achieved her highest vault score ever due to her speed and blocking ability. She looked great,” said Murphy.
The next two best AA’s scoring 33.1 were Amber Kling, age 8 and Kaydee Phillips, age 11.
“Amber had a beautiful and powerful floor routine,” said Murphy.
Kling scored a 8.65 floor for second place and counted for team score.
Kling scored first on vault 8.5 and 2nd on beam 8.1.
Kaydee Phillips placed first on all events in her age group. Phillips highest scoring event was 8.8 on vault.
“Kaydee’s strengths are her form and flexibility and her scores will rise as she increases both,” said Murphy.
“The skills get much more difficult as the levels increase and I’m proud of the performance of our levels 5 and 6 gymnasts. They have only competed these levels a few times and are working hard to polish the new skills,” said Murphy.
Sammie Phillips level 5, broke three of her records on vault 8.15, beam 7.95 and AA 32.05.
“Sammie’s confidence and skills are improving at this level and her scores are reflecting it,” said Murphy.
Susannah Harvell was the top scorer for level 6 coming in with a 30.625 AA.
Harvell’s highest event was also a record breaker on bars with a 8.15 for second place.
“Susannah’s strength and smooth connections led her to a great bar routine,” said Murphy.
Coming in next was Camille Kirkland with an AA of 29.95. Kirkland broke two records on vault and beam.
“Camille had a strong performance on beam showing more perfection in these harder skills,” said Murphy.
Betsy Booth had a 29.425 AA for a personal best record breaker and also broke two other records on bars and beam 7.7 4th place.
“Betsy was really focused this meet and her tight form helped improve her bar and beam scores,” said Murphy.
The Moultrie MG’s next competition will be in February.
Murphy said the break will have “more time to work on the more difficult skills and improve our overall competition performance.”
“Now it’s time to let our class gymnasts shine when they perform in the upcoming Christmas Classic on Dec. 16,” said Murphy.