Vehicle hits teen pedestrian, drives away
MOULTRIE, Ga. — Three wrecks since the weekend sent three people to the hospital, according to law enforcement reports.
Perhaps the most serious was a hit-and-run that injured an autistic man who was walking along Tallokas Road Saturday night.
Colquitt County sheriff’s deputies reported Mason Tabb, 19, was lying in a ditch by the road when the responding officer arrived in the 1700 block of Tallokas Road around 11 p.m.
Another driver told the deputy a red sedan had struck Tabb then drove away.
The officer found the remains of the car’s passenger side mirror at the scene.
While the officer was there, Marcia Miller arrived and identified herself as Tabb’s mother. She said her son has autism, ADHD and diabetes. She said he opened his bedroom window and slipped out without telling her.
The deputy reported Tabb was taken by EMS to Colquitt Regional Medical Center and from there to another facility, although he didn’t say which one. A spokeswoman for Colquitt Regional said the hospital had no record of Tabb in its system, a common reply if a patient has not signed a privacy waiver.
On Facebook, Miller posted that Tabb came home Monday from the hospital in Tallahassee, Fla.
In the second accident, which happened Sunday, a deputy was dispatched to speak with James Cravey of Lenox.
Cravey told the officer his girlfriend, Melissa Peters, 48, also of Lenox, was injured in an ATV crash about 9:30 a.m. He said she was riding the four-wheeler on St. Paul Church Road near Omega when a dog ran in front of her. She lost control of the vehicle and it rolled over her.
Cravey said he took Peters to Tift Regional Medical Center, where doctors told him she had a fractured arm and a minor head injury. A message left at Tift Regional was not returned Wednesday afternoon.
On Monday, the driver of a log truck was hurt when he lost control on Highway 111, the Georgia State Patrol reported.
Gary Lambert, 52, of Bainbridge, was treated and released at Colquitt Regional Medical Center, a hospital spokeswoman said.
The GSP said Lambert was driving north on Highway 111 near Cox Dairy Road in a 2004 Kenworth. Lambert told the trooper it was raining hard. His front right wheel went off the road as he entered a curve to the left. He said he tried to pull it back on the roadway but failed.
The truck struck a culvert, vaulted into the air and overturned, the GSP said. It spilled its load of logs and began to slide on its passenger side. While sliding, it struck a utility pole and a sign and came to rest in a ditch to the east of the highway.
Lambert was charged with failure to maintain lane.