EDDIE SEAGLE: From December to the new year
“The season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, the genial fire of charity in the heart.” —Washington Irving
“I heard a bird sing in the dark of December, thing and sweet to remember.” —Oliver Herford.
It’s December, and with this month comes much activity including many gatherings, gift exchanging, cheers and good will. Christmas is only a few weeks away and everyone is very busy making plans for the holiday season.
However, amongst the hustle and bustle, let’s take a moment to remember the real Reason for the Season – the birth of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. And, as the month of December passes right along, it’s not too early to realize that a new month and year will be forthcoming which will bring many new challenges, opportunities, and responsibilities.
What you do in December will help define your new year. May your transition from December into the new year be effective and enjoyable.
Many people develop new year resolutions to exercise more and lose weight, maintain better family relations, go to church more, help people more, agree to do more in the community, travel more, plan a more healthy and cleansing diet to rid their bodies of toxic substances, smile more, and so on. Many of these resolutions will fall by the wayside after the first few days or weeks of the new year because of the repetition, time restraints or simply the lack of commitment and interest.
Do you make new year resolutions? And, do you keep any of those resolutions? All resolutions require effort and responsibility throughout the year. Make your resolutions based on your own interest and dedication, not because others have encouraged you to adopt their interests.
If you are looking for something new, think about adopting a garden in the landscape or a plant in the home. Your greenscape can benefit from the same type of consideration that you give other traditional resolutions if you are really serious about sustainability, stewardship and environmental awareness.
Consider such activities as new plant purchases for either the indoors or outdoors, flushing or changing the soil media in existing containers (re-potting), root pruning, upsizing the plant into a larger container, adding beneficial microbes to the soil media, hand cleaning the leaves on potted plants where dust has collected, and so on.
The new year is a very appropriate time for an attractive plant gift but with it comes the realization of responsibility for care and maintenance. Get away from the irresponsible perception, “if it dies I’ll just buy another one.”
Maybe giving a plant for such an occasion will bring others to committing to new gardening resolutions for the new year.
Welcome the new year with gifts of nature by helping your friends and family become more aware of plants and plant care. A display of color represented in plants such as a white peace lily, white gardenia, calamondin orange, red hibiscus, pink crown of thorns, or yellow ixora will work wonders that you never thought possible. Or choose from a juniper bonsai, braided money tree, areca palm silk plant, ficus, rubber plant, dumb cane, dragon tree, corn plant, or a variety of other lovely house plants as your choices are unlimited.
Even though it is winter and cooler outside, these plant gifts make wonderful indoor gardens and arrangements which add a warm and comfortable feeling to an otherwise dreary time of year.
From the emotionally high peaks of December to the lowly valleys of January, this is an awesome way to remind your loved ones how much you care by giving such a beautiful plant to start the new year.
Dedicated gardeners with indoor plants in poor potting soil should consider repotting the plant with fresh, healthy soil.
Choose the best potting available within your budget. Clean the existing container to remove any fertilizer, hard water deposits, and old soil. Obviously, larger plants are more difficult to repot. Make every effort to protect and not harm the plants, as well as maintaining such work posture to protect your body (esp. back) in the process. A newly repotted plant will exhibit better vigor and healthier appearance than before the process.
Check your plant and container for size proportion and potential root-bound conditions which will lead to slower growth and a less healthy plant.
Upon inspection, if the plant is root-bound then the roots will be growing in circular pattern around in the inside of the container. If so, repotting is a must and the existing root pattern must be pruned away before placing in new media in a larger container.
Continue your daily reading the Book of Luke (24 chapters) in the Bible to learn and understand who and why we celebrate Christmas. Christmas is about Jesus and His love, and in these chapters you will read an entire account of Jesus’ life.
As you receive His blessings, always pay them forward. Pay for a stranger’s meal as the opportunity arises. Help the homeless every chance you get. Make this the most joyous December and Christmas ever about Jesus and His Love – the Reason for the Season! Happy December!
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever.” —Psalm 136:1,26.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” —John 1:1-2,14.
“Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.”— John 6:35.
When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, “I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the Light of life.” — John 8:12.