Rants and Raves

The poll: “A recent Quinnipiac poll asked respondents to name the one word that best described Trump. The winner by a large margin was idiot followed in order by incompetent and liar.

Not fair

“The ball fields in southwest Moultrie are manicured constantly. Then I take a ride to northwest and Drew Park is overgrown with standing water and in need of cutting. The islands on Fifth and Sixth Avenue are in need of cutting. Our kids like to play ball without leaving their neighborhood! Councilman check out your city!

Looks the same

“What is wrong with the NAACP in this town? It doesn’t upset them the way things are going in Moultrie and Colquitt County. Blacks are continually left out and it is all right. There will be those that say I’m being prejudice! Maybe I am! It’s only been 50 years since integration and some things look the same to me!

Check the bills

“The city council is trying to pull the wool over the citizens of Moultrie with all of these charges on your bills. Please check your bills very carefully each month. Don’t just pay it, check each item. If you are not satisfied, complain, it’s your money.


“The city council and the county commissioner have done northwest Moultrie a disservice with the new appointments to the Moultrie/Colquitt Recreation Authority. The applications asked the applicants what district they resided in, if that made a difference, which it didn’t. In three years when everything is turned over to them, watch what happens to northwest! Wait for the sale of Shaw Gym!

A chuckle

“I got a chuckle from the ranter who said the Democratic Party was basically in shambles. Well I think you need to look at the Republican Party sir or madam. How would you describe its underpinnings? Think about how we wound up with a clown for president.

In response

“To the ranter who said about Trump ‘let the man do his job.’ Well, that’s what the whole nation has been waiting on except that he can’t stay off Twitter acting like some school kid whose marbles were stolen. And when I say ‘marbles,’ you can interpret that anyway you want.

Fan club

“Columnist Lyons pretty well summed it up. Trump doesn’t have a cabinet, he has a fan club.

The violence

“Wow! Just read the crime reports in Tuesday’s paper. Sound like Tombstone in the days of Wyatt Earp. God bless our lawmen who have to face this crap everyday. And God bless the taxpayers who must pick up the tab for all of this violence. More robberies, more burglaries and more gunplay! Gang related or just street thugs?