Listen to the Constitution

Dear editor:

I find it rather ironic that so many people are outraged at NFL players taking a knee during the national anthem.

Personally I do not agree with this behavior, however it is their constitutional right to do so.

I find it offensive when during parades and at ball games etc. people stay seated when the flag passes in front of them. According to the flag code (flag etiquette) “When the flag passes in a procession or when it is hoisted or lowered all should face the flag and salute.”

I was taught this in elementary school. How many people do you see stand at the Christmas or homecoming parade when the flag passes?

This is also a form of disrespect for the flag, but I don’t see or hear of anyone making a national issue about this.

Remember when folks burned our flag in protests and were told it was their constitutional right to do so? There are many things I don’t agree with and thank God I live in a country where I can express that opinion without fear of repercussion.

That’s how it is supposed to be.

Marilyn Jordan
