Children are saying, ‘Enough is enough’
Seventeen children in Parkland, Florida got up on Valentines Day, went to school and were never seen alive by their parents again. Once again an individual felt the need to commit mass murder on school grounds, politicians offered useless statements of “enough is enough” and the gun lobby circled the wagons.
One could almost create a template for the aftermath of such tragedies here but this time something was different that had nothing to do with either of the above.
This time it was the children who stood up to say “enough is enough” and it wasn’t on a small scale.The nation saw thousands of kids voice their disgust and fear over school shootings and the ready availability of weapons such as the one used at Stoneman Douglas High School.
While the adults drew lines in the sand against each other the kids took to the streets, television and social media in an effort to be heard and should be commended for their efforts. They articulately expressed their concerns despite accusations of being coached “by the Liberals” and being vilified by adults who think kids should keep their mouths shut and do as they’re told.
The insults hurled at them because of the “walkouts” increased as they were referred to as “punks,” “spoiled brats” and “snowflakes.” The schools that participated gave students the opportunity to be part of something, to make a statement and feel like they were actually being listened to and that’s what America is all about.
Maybe nothing will come from it and we’ll return to business as usual until the next slaughter but maybe not. A lot of these “punks” and “snowflakes” are going to be voters soon.
— J. Page Lassiter