LETTER TO THE EDITOR: What would Jesus do?

Growing up in Moultrie in the ’90s, I remember the “WWJD?” (What Would Jesus Do?) bracelets. Today, I am angered to see Americans who profess that question as their creed embrace Donald Trump, a man whose character, actions, and words blatantly contradict Christ. How can Christians support a president whose platform is the opposite of the Gospel? Recently, the President called for violence against peaceful protests and tear gassed Americans for a photo-op. I cannot help but ask myself, “What would Jesus do in these situations?“

Would Jesus violently disperse crowds for a photo? 

When Jesus’ disciples complained about the crowds, He had compassion on them and fed them. So, no, Jesus did not disperse peaceful crowds. Further, Jesus considered the Word of God sacred and would not have profaned it for politics. 

Would Jesus raise a “Black Lives Matter” sign?

Jesus gave His life for the whole world. When Black lives are not equal, as the murder of George Floyd so heartbreakingly illustrates, Jesus weeps to see the lives of whole races of His children so callously minimized. Jesus would carry a sign to remind us that, as we are all equal in His sight, we are all equal in the sight of each other and under the law. And yet, all President Trump does in this time of anguish is tweet about using more power in the streets and calling for more violence. 

Would Jesus riot and burn property? 

Of course not. However, among the Twelve was Simon — a member of the Zealot party, a group committed to the violent overthrow of Roman rule. We do not know many details of his life, but we can conclude Simon maintained sympathy with some who practiced violence. Simon may have engaged in violence too. When he became a disciple, we should remember Simon was known as a potentially violent person, and yet Jesus saw something in both him and in his anger. Jesus not only invited the rioter in, but he ate with him, washed his feet, and commissioned him to make disciples of all nations. If our Savior can do that, can we at least listen to those whose anger has resulted in violence?

Jesus is not a racist, arrogant, misogynistic, self-centered man, so how can we support a president who is all of these things and say he is living out Christian values? How can a Christian vote for and champion President Trump until, God willing, he finds within himself the humility required to accept the grace of God? This does not mean one has to vote for another candidate or party. But how can one vote for someone so opposite Jesus and join the president in calling for domination in the streets instead of hearing cries for justice? 

“What Would Jesus Do?” can be rephrased as “What Would Jesus Have You Do?” in this moment. For me, that means examining my heart and asking His help to listen more and judge less. What about you? 

Jay Desselle
