COLUMN: ‘Cut from the Cloth’ at the Colquitt County Arts Center

Everyone has a story. Our stories make us who we are, and just as it is important to celebrate ourselves, where we are from, and what makes us unique, it is important that we celebrate our stories as well. A large part of my job here at the Arts Center is providing an opportunity for local artists to share their stories through their body of work. Rebecca Richardson is the current artist debuting her story, “Cut from the Cloth,” in the Traverse Gallery. “Cut from the Cloth’’ is a collection of paintings on recycled canvas drop cloth that gives viewers an inside look on the world through Richardson’s eyes.

Rebecca Richardson is a self-taught artist born and raised in Filer, Idaho. Richardson is the youngest of 7 children and attributes her love of art to Thomas Kinkade, Leonardo da Vinci, and her aunt.

“She always encouraged me to let my heart speak,” Richardson fondly recalls about the influence and encouragement she received from her aunt.

Richardson began painting a little over a year ago while living in Eastman, Georgia. After moving across the country from Idaho to Georgia, Richardson found herself in a dark place. It was during this time that her therapist encouraged her to paint what she felt and then paint what she wanted to feel. She used painting as an expressive way to find her way back to life, and has yet to put down her paintbrush since.

“I wanted to feel the light, and I wanted to feel God’s presence again,” is how Richardson describes what painting brought into her life.

While speaking to her, one of the things that became immediately evident to me was her love for her children. Richardson is a mother of three and draws inspiration from her children. In fact, it was one of her children that brought her to the Arts Center. After moving to Moultrie, her daughter Billie Jo received a United Way Fine Arts Camp scholarship, and spent a week learning with art teacher Kathy Nelson. Camp time is my favorite time of the year, and during the summer I am admittedly more often hanging out with the campers in the Large Art Studio than I am at my desk. Over the course of that week I got to know Billie Jo. Each time our paths crossed she never failed to mention that her mom was a “beautiful painter,” and each time she insisted that I meet her. After a few months of conversation, and painting “Cut from the Cloth” has come to life.  

Richardson is continuing to paint and loves to experiment with used, unusual, and unique materials. Her work will be on exhibit in the Traverse Gallery through November 21, 2018.

November is an exciting month here at the Arts Center! In addition to “Cut from the Cloth,” The Arts Center Theatre is presenting a production of Suessical Jr. The cast will be bringing your favorite Dr. Suess characters to life on Thursday, November 8th and 10th at 7:00 PM and once again on Sunday, November 11th at 2:00 PM. Tickets are $10.00 and will be sold at the door and are currently available for  pre-sale in the Arts Center Main Office. On Thursday, November 15th the Arts Center is excited to host Cocktails and Candycanes. This is a ticketed event where you can enjoy cocktails and a holiday celebration  with music performed by Eclipse 6 A Capella, and a preview of the 4th annual Holiday Shoppe. This event will be catered by Covington’s and all funds raised will support community outreach programming. Tickets are $50.00 each for the cocktail hour and concert or $20.00 for the concert only. Tickets can be purchased online at or in the Arts Center Main Office. Also, the 2018 Holiday Shoppe is right around the corner! Deadline to register as an artist and have your work available for sale is November 9th. The Holiday Shoppe will be open to the public starting Friday, November 16, 2018 and will be open until Friday, December 21, 2018.

For more information about exhibits as well as other Arts Center programming, drop by the Main Office or give us a call at 229.985.1922. Have a creative Day!