MADD honors law enforcement, volunteers

MOULTRIE, Ga. — The South Georgia Chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving recognized area law enforcement officers and others in the battle against drunk driving during a banquet Friday, March 1, in Moultrie.

Among the awards were:

• MADD Volunteer of the Year, Yobani Izaguirre.

• VIP Speaker of the Year, Christi Roy, coordinator of MADD South Georgia.

• Law Enforcement Officers of the Year Jim Shingler of Seminole County Sheriff’s Office and Gary Roy of the Tallahassee Police Department.

• DUI Hero Jace Norman of Lowndes County Sheriff’s Office with 114 DUI arrests in the past year.

• Media awards were presented to Kevin Hall and Alan Mauldin of The Moultrie Observer, Danielle Ledbetter of WFXL-TV, Asia Wilson of WALB-TV and Jaxon Riley of NASH FM 104.5 radio.

• 56 awards were presented to participants in MADD events, including the Victim Impact Panels that are often a part of a DUI defendant’s sentencing. These awards included MADD volunteers, law enforcement, volunteer fire departments and others.

• Six judges and prosecutors were recognized: Judge Herbert Benson of Tift County State Court, Judge Chase Daughtrey of Cook County Probate Court, Judge David Herndon of Moultrie Municipal Court, Judge Richard Kent of Colquitt County State Court, Judge J.J. McMillan of Colquitt County Magistrate Court and Judge Chad C. Van Orman of the City of Tifton.

MADD then recognized law enforcement officers based on the number of DUI arrests each had in 2018. Multiple law enforcement agencies were represented; here are the local ones:

• Colquitt County Sheriff’s Office: Ivon Folsom, 11; Grant Britt, 6; Juan Mustelier, 6; Jerome Burgess, 5; Joey Chapman, 5; William Stone, 5; Justin Jones, 4; Kevin Tucker, 4; Blake Livings, 3; Marcus Lopez, 2; Josh Perry, 2; Terry Gibson, 1; Cody Green, 1; Michael Jackson, 1; Layton Livings, 1; Michael Rogers, 1; Christopher Thomas, 1.

• Moultrie PD: Sgt. Nic Harrison, 8; Officer George Newton, 4.• Nashville PD: Sgt. Robert Owens, 27; Officer Lance Phillips, 22; Officer Steve Gibbons, 16; Sgt. Richard Varn, 8; Sgt. Chris Youngblood, 1.

• Omega PD: Sgt. Drew Campbell, 4.


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