
HARRY MARTINEZ: Pause to consider, pt. 4

Advice can come in many forms and from many sources.  Sometimes it is good and profitable and at ...


EDDIE SEAGLE: Enrichment items complete the landscape

“Let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius.” Pietro Aretino. “While it is February one ...


EDDIE SEAGLE: Green it or gray it in the landscape

It’s the time of the year that you can best utilize on planning how you want to develop ...


HARRY MARTINEZ: Pause to consider, Part 2

One can be sure that the year 2025 will begin with the same hustle and bustle that was ...


EDDIE SEAGLE: Time to discuss Knockout roses

Winter is here and will be around for a few weeks. Now is a good time to discuss ...


HARRY MARTINEZ: Pause to consider

The New Year is always a time of reflection and setting of goals to be achieved in the ...


EDDIE SEAGLE: Landscape pointers going into the new year

“The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written.” Melody Beattie. ...


ADELIA LADSON: Reflecting, not resolving

This year, as I was thinking about my New Year’s resolutions, I thought, “Seriously, who are you kidding? ...


EDDIE SEAGLE: Kalanchoes and cyclamen

“The best gifts to give: To your enemy, forgiveness. To your opponent, tolerance. To your friend, heart. To ...


HARRY MARTINEZ: The birth of Christ

Many people throughout the world are celebrating today the birth of the Savior God in the flesh.  The ...

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