
SRTC recognizes President’s, Dean’s Lists for Summer 2024

THOMASVILLE — Recently, the administration at Southern Regional Technical College recognized exceptional students achieving the honors of President’s ...


Spring semester graduates total 100 at ABAC

TIFTON – One hundred students completed the requirements for graduation from Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College at the end ...


Dean Poling Book Reviews Aug. 30

Better Off Dead: Lee Child & Andrew Child “Better Off Dead” is the 26th book in the Jack ...


HARRY MARTINEZ: A worthy walk

Everyone places a value on things based on some criteria, whether friendship, intimacy, or one’s pursuits in life. ...


EDDIE SEAGLE: Transitioning into fall

“Happily we bask in this warm September sun, which illuminates all creatures.” Henry Davis Thoreau. “Life starts all ...


4-H invites students to open house

MOULTRIE — Colquitt County 4-H will host its first Open House 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the ...


HARRY MARTINEZ: A doable mandate

For a society to prosper and experience stability, there must be adherence to rules or laws that form ...


EDDIE SEAGLE: Team colors equal team spirit!

“The month of August reminds us that a fresh start is just around the corner, waiting for us ...


Calendar for Aug. 21, 2024

Democratic Committee The Democratic Committee of Colquitt County will meet at 6 p.m. Aug. 27 at the Moultrie-Colquitt ...


Sisters pursue healthcare plans

THOMASVILLE — Sisters Abby and Sierra Ard share their experiences with the Certified Nurse Aide program at Southern ...

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