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Ga Fl News

VIDEO: Experiencing the storm part 2: ‘Thank you Jesus’

Melissa Holt, with her uncle Harold McMurphy, is eternally grateful for the safety of one particular family member ...

Ga Fl News

VIDEO: Experiencing the storm part 1

Harold McMurphy and his niece Melissa Holt speak about the severe storm that passed through the area where ...

Ga Fl News

Elli Mae’s Kountry Cafe area after the storm

A look at Elli Mae’s Kountry Cafe on Hwy. 133 just outside the Moultrie city limits and the ...

Ga Fl News

VIDEO: Colquitt County High’s football signing day

First-year Colquitt County High head football coach Justin Rogers talks about the eight seniors who signed their national ...

Ga Fl News

VIDEO: Cam Erving Pep Rally at Okapilco Elementary School

Ga Fl News

VIDEO: Packer coaches with Carter Boatwright and family

Colquitt County High senior tight end Carter Boatwright, along with parents Lora and Michael and sister Allie Catherine, ...

Ga Fl News

VIDEO: Moultrie Christmas Parade

Scenes from Saturday’s downtown Christmas Parade in Moultrie.

Ga Fl News

ALERT: Moultrie Christmas Parade postponed to Saturday

Mayor Bill McIntosh announced that Dec. 12 Christmas Parade will be postponed to Saturday, Dec. 14. This is ...

Local Sports

VIDEO: Packers outdoors

On the last day of the GHSA football acclimation period, the Colquitt County High Packers were outdoors late ...

Local Sports

Packer Volleyball Bash

Colquitt County High volleyball hosted its first Packer Bash, which started Monday and concludes Wednesday. This features teams ...

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