
Your Agenda 7/17

Special Music Dana Lux of Baton Rouge, La., the niece of Joyce Barron and the late Paul Barron, ...


‘Spirit Anew Conference 2014’ to be held

Lakeside Assembly of God joins forces with women from all over the community and beyond to host the ...


Thursday Night Light Service

On this Thursday, July 17, at 7:30 p.m. Prophet Darnell Lundy will be the speaker for the Thursday ...


Schools announce open house schedule

The countdown has begun. School begins in T-minus-23 days. Students return to class on Thursday, Aug. 7, according ...


ABAC picks Gail Dillard for interim VP post

The executive director of ABAC on the Square has temporarily added another duty as she fills in for ...


Lanier Co. educator named Colquitt County pre-k director

The Colquitt County Board of Education voted july 9 to approve the appointment of Lisa Strickland as the ...


Study shows YMCA after-school students show improvement

Cox Elementary students who participated in the 2013-2014 Moultrie YMCA afterschool program showed significant improvement in math and ...


Moultrie Tech ESL students celebrate Flag Week

Moultrie Technical College’s English as a Second Language, or ESL, students celebrated Flag Week 2014 during June 9-13 ...


Hopewell Baptist to welcome gospel music star Willie Wynn home

Hopewell Baptist Church in Moultrie announced this week that Willie Wynn, former tenor singer with the Oak Ridge ...


Moultrian shines at film camp

Madison Croft of Moultrie, left, works with Stephanie Whitfield, Thomas University professor and coordinator of TU’s first Filmmaking ...

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