LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Let’s have a vote on guns

Published 5:03 pm Monday, April 3, 2023

After my wife died by suicide with a handgun she bought quickly in downtown Thomasville on the day before her death on November 13, 2021 and nine days before her birthday, The Moultrie Observer published my letter-to-the-editor about it and a few more of my letters. Sadly, gun deaths by mass murder, suicide, and accidents continue unabated across America as Republican leadership lives by the gun and people follow in fear. With the GOP supporting gun manufacturers, sellers, and lobbyists, we are at the mercy of these morally debased, greedy, and greasy sellers of death. It is truly dumbfounding how so many citizens follow the crazy and illogical arguments made by GOP political leaders who refuse to make us safer with only a few changes in state and federal laws. I say to all followers of GOP cult propaganda, the truth is that no one is coming to confiscate your legally purchased guns. Your buying more guns only adds to our vulnerability to crime, self-harm, and accidents.

It’s astonishing how these lies by so many leaders continue to scare millions of gullible citizens, and they respond by rushing to gun shops all over our country. That behavior is not normal and certainly not responsible as guns float across our land by private sale, gifting, and theft. Even the seven guns purchased legally by the shooter in Nashville, TN, and who invaded a school with three of them and killed children and school staff on March 27, 2023, were bought quicker than folks can buy an automobile.

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I guess without seeing gun death closeup as eyewitnesses and first responders do everyday, and like me who found my wife dead in our home shower, most people who advocate for guns will refuse to acknowledge the horror that visits so many families.

Maybe a national referendum on guns would tell the real story of how people feel across America — should we live with guns drawn or in a safer country? There is a lot of silence about the gun issue in many communities as we go about our daily lives, so speaking out in a vote would give leaders direction about this topic.

God bless us and keep our families safe.

Grant Plymel

Thomasville, Ga.

Formerly of Colquitt County