LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The source of happiness
Published 4:28 pm Monday, January 23, 2023
I recently read a statement claiming there are two types of people in this world. (1) People who bring happiness wherever they go. (2) People who bring happiness whenever they go. Perhaps you know someone from both types. Do you know someone who brings happiness wherever they go? This is someone that seems to always be in a good mood or always smiling. Certainly these people have bad days, but you could never tell by their daily words and actions. It is reasonable to question, “Are they even human?”
If we want to admit it or not, we all know someone that brings happiness whenever they go. This is someone that is never smiling or never in a good mood.
What is the difference between these two types of people? There could be many answers to this question, but I submit to you what I feel is a fundamental difference. People finding happiness regardless of their circumstances or situations are people that are not walking the journey of life alone. I am not referring to having family and friends. These people have placed their hope and joy in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. They are living in relationship with Jesus.
In one of the most comforting verses in the Bible, Jesus clearly promises His people in Hebrews 13:5, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” That means it doesn’t matter what I experience in this life, I will never be alone. It doesn’t matter what tragedy or triumph, mountain or valley, climb or fall I endure, Jesus will be with me. This promise is for you as well.
I simply want to encourage you with these words from Jesus. You may be feeling lonely, depressed, abandoned, rejected, isolated, or unpopular. Don’t be deceived! You are not alone! Jesus Himself is with you. He promises that He will never leave you. He chose you. He. Chose. You.
I am so thankful we serve a God that brings happiness wherever He goes! and He wants to go with you. He wants to go within you.
Place your hope solely in God. When you do, you will discover life — true life. When you grasp this one simple promise, “I will never leave you,” your life will truly be different because hope and life can be found nowhere else, but in Him.
Josh Purvis
Pastor, Hopewell Baptist Church