Burton Fletcher Foundation for Animals to hold 3rd annual Animal Welfare Heroes contest

Published 2:23 pm Tuesday, January 2, 2024

VALDOSTA — The Burton Fletcher Foundation for Animals wishes to recognize and cheer on individuals and organizations across South Georgia and North Central Florida in its Third Annual Animal Welfare Heroes Contest for their outstanding contributions to animal welfare.

Little is done to recognize the volunteers and organizations in animal rescue anywhere, according to Fletcher, a retired professor, emeritus attorney, and founder and president of the animal welfare foundation that bears his name.

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The foundation representatives wrote in a statement, “Until government entities step forward and do what’s right to give these volunteers and rescue organizations their due, we will seek to do our best to pat these warriors on the back and serve as a cheerleader to spur them on to continue doing good work on behalf of animals in our communities.”

The Third Annual Animal Welfare Heroes 2024 competition awards will look at volunteerism, fostering, adoption, donations, fundraising, spaying, neutering, political advancements, and other factors, organizers said.

“We don’t have a lot of money to offer, as we did during past years, but we have some important awards and acknowledgment, and we offer positive publicity for individuals and organizations that will help them with fundraising, grants, public recognition, and organizational credibility,” the statement said.

Foundation representatives stated, “We also have at least three individuals marked for the Charles DeVane Award, our most prominent and cherished award, named after Mr. Charles DeVane, a well-known and distinguished contributor and political advocate for animal welfare across South Georgia and Atlanta. Mr. DeVane is the only individual to receive a personal proclamation from Chairman Bill Slaughter, Lowndes County Board of Supervisors, through our advocacy and to receive this distinguished award in his name through our foundation for outstanding efforts in animal rescue.”

Nomination forms will soon be available on the foundation’s website, www.BurtonFletcherFoundation.org, Fletcher said. Nominations will be accepted Jan. 1 through noon Feb. 15, and people can vote for up to five deserving nominees during that same period.

People may also nominate individuals or direct questions by emailing Burton Fletcher at Burton@BurtonFletcherFoundation.org.

Foundation members stressed that explaining sufficiently why the nominee deserves an award with as much specificity as possible is essential and providing the contact information for both the nominator and the nominee.

All individuals will be vetted through the animal rescue community before any award is announced and granted.

Awards will be presented throughout 2024.