LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Congressional mitigation of the Preamble

Published 1:43 pm Thursday, November 3, 2022

Careless handling of citizens’ rights and the democracy which we enjoy as protectors of the Constitution. To defend this country against all enemies, this congressional body including the three branches of our government, are the enemy we’re pledged to guard against.

“We the people” by our vote gave each congressional member a responsibility to govern. Yet you mitigate the responsibility. We are all responsible to see that our constitution remains strong for generations to come.

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There are twenty-seven amendments to the constitution. Before we venture number twenty-eight, we need to do some soul searching, to develop rules against violators of the oath of office. For too long powers granted by our vote, these abuses continue.

Glaringly with indifference Congress avoids their responsibility to investigate President Biden and son Hunter Biden for monies given-over by a foreign nation for obvious political gain. Witnesses have given testimony sufficient to investigate.

British Parliament has rules of “No Confidence” used often. Might the rule work for our President and Congress?

Tom Rogers

Moultrie, Ga.