City approves 2 zoning issues, to consider hospital request in April

Published 3:51 pm Monday, March 24, 2025

MOULTRIE — Moultrie City Council had four zoning cases on their agenda last week, but the one that drew multiple people to the meeting received no discussion.

The Hospital Authority of Colquitt County is seeking to have land near Colquitt Regional Medical Center annexed into the city and zoned to allow an apartment complex that will serve the needs of medical personnel. 

The matter was narrowly approved by the Colquitt County Planning Commission March 10 despite opposition from neighbors of the property at 3026 S. Main St. The commission is not a governing body, however; it can only make recommendations. The city council will have the ultimate say.

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The annexation and zoning were placed on the council’s consent agenda March 18 for a parliamentary procedure vote. The “first and second readings” are a vote by the council on whether to consider the request. They were approved with no discussion along with several other matters.

A public hearing and final vote are expected at the April 15 council meeting, which will begin at 6 p.m. at the Municipal Building, 21 First Ave. N.E.

Also on the consent agenda were first and second readings of the rezoning of land located in Land Lots 384, 399 and 400 of the 8th Land District of Moultrie. The exact addresses were not included in the council’s description, but J&J Success, LLC, is seeking to rezone them from R1B (single family residential district) to RPUD (residential planned unit development district).

A public hearing and final vote are expected on this request at the April 15 council meeting too.

Unlike those issues, the other two zoning requests did receive final approval.

Lawrence G. Valentino and Robert Valentino requested the city annex land at 414 Doc Darbyshire Road and zone it RPUD (residential planned unit development).

City of Moultrie Director of Community Enhancement Stephen Godley told the city council the land is a wooded area south of Colquitt County High School. He said it abuts property that’s already in the city, and it has city water and sewer lines already in place on that side of Doc Darbyshire Road. 

Godley said the Valentinos want to build apartments, single-family dwellings and town homes on the site.

The council voted unanimously to annex the property and set the zoning as requested.

TSC Rentals, LLC, asked the council to rezone property at 501 12th St. S.E. from C3R (commercial district, restricted) to C2 (general business district).

Godley said the restriction on the current zoning means any change to the property must be brought before the city council. TSC Rentals wants to open a car wash — where workers wash cars by hand, not the automated kind that have sprung up elsewhere in Moultrie.

That motion was also approved unanimously.

In other action, the council:

— Heard an update on The Archway Project from Archway Professional Sara Hand.

— Recognized Jeremiah Spence, Jayda Hughes and Coach Mitchell McKinney of the Program for Exceptional Children for their participation in the Special Olympic Games held earlier this month in Turin, Italy.

— Approved an amendment to the city’s Alcoholic Beverages Ordinances.

— Approved a budget appropriation of $5,900 to install an air conditioner in the city’s Public Works building.

— Approved a bid for street resurfacing to Zane Grace Construction of Leesburg in the amount of $361, 340.40. It’s funded by the Georgia Department of Transportation Local Maintenance and Improvement Grant program and the city’s Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax proceeds.

— Approved an agreement with Tax Specialist of Georgia-Southeast, LLC.

— Approved an agreement with Vanasse Hagen Brustlin, LLC, to monitor and report on the city’s water quality.

— Approved extending the finish date for rehabilitation of a runway at Spence Field. Work was delayed due to weather, according to City Manager Pete Dillard. The city also approved a change in a title on the same contract that was required by the state Department of Transportation.

— Heard from Northwest Moultrie resident Javon Bridges, who expressed appreciation for increased police patrols in his neighborhood and for the city fixing a clogged drain on Second Street Northwest. Bridges asked if the city could erect Children at Play signs in the area to encourage drivers to be more cautious.