EDDIE SEAGLE: Enrichment items complete the landscape
Published 7:46 am Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Eddie Seagle is a Sustainability Verifier, Golf Environment Organization (Scotland), Agronomist and Horticulturalist, CSI: Seagle (Consulting Services International) LLC, Professor Emeritus and Honorary Alumnus (Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College), Distinguished Professor for Teaching and Learning (University System of Georgia) and Short Term Missionary (Heritage Church, Moultrie). Direct inquiries to csi_seagle@yahoo.com.
“Let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius.” Pietro Aretino. “While it is February one can taste the full joys of anticipation. Spring stands at the gate with her finger on the latch.” Patience Strong. “February is the uncertain month, neither black nor white but all shades between by turns. Nothing is sure.” Gladys Hasty Carroll. “In the coldest February, as in every other month in every other year, the best thing to hold on to in this world is each other.” Linda Ellerbee. “The reason God made February short a few days was because He knew that by the time people came to the end of it they would die if they had to stand one more blasted day.” Katherine Paterson.
Enrichment items play an important role in completing the landscape in function, aesthetics, form and value. To better understand the role of enrichment items, picture the indoor rooms of your home and visualize the ceilings, walls and floors. These rooms are not ready for use until they are furnished in a manner conducive to your descriptions and specifications of needs and wants. To make them functional and personal, they require furniture, lightning, pictures, music, pets, and so forth in a layout that minimizes clutter and confusion.
The outdoor rooms operate under the same concepts and have similar needs to make them personal and functional. Enrichment items are components of the outdoor room that are not essential to the formation of the walls, ceiling and floor of the landscape, but are objects included in their spaces offering positive value that fulfills a purpose without clutter and confusion.
Enrichment items in the landscape can be tangible (touchable) or intangible (sensed but untouchable), and natural (of nature) or fabricated (synthetic or manufactured). Examples of natural tangible items are rocks or boulders, water in a stream or fountain, or a simple flower. Examples of intangible natural items include the sound created when the wind blows through the trees, the sounds of water flow or fall, music from songbirds singing, viewing the soaring of an eagle or hawk above, and the fragrance of flowers in bloom.
Examples of fabricated tangible items are outdoor furniture, benches, gazebos, pergolas, hammocks, etc. Examples of intangible fabricated items are the sounds made by wind blowing through the chimes, the sounds of church bells ringing in the distance, the sounds made by water flowing over and down a custom fountain, etc.
The inability to touch certain enrichment items does not lessen their value in the landscape. Intangible enrichment items are pleasing to the senses of hearing, smell and taste. Also, if a member of your family has any physical impairment, these items can play a significant role in how they enjoy the great outdoors.
Care must be exercised in the design process to minimize the quantity of enrichment items. And, the quality of the enrichment items must be considered to ascertain and maintain a desirable and appealing space. For example, outdoor furniture can exhibit characteristics from heavy and unwieldy to cheap and tasteless, with many desirable features in between. Choosing the right characteristics such as size, shape, color, construction material, appearance, weight, complementation, etc. in your outdoor furniture will help determine the effectiveness of these enrichment items. If the enrichment item does not add value and complement the site then it must be omitted or replaced with a choice that will offer such enhancement.
It is possible to use too many enrichment items and this usually happens quite frequently. When this happens, the effect is described as clutter and smorgasbord with such design principles as simplicity and unity falling victim to excess usage and poor planning.
Another enrichment is night lighting which offers great landscape benefits in the after-hours from entertaining to individual enjoyment. We have come a long way from the basic flood lights affording glare and blinding to modern lighting strategies offering softer and more attractive results. The ground solar lights are an ingenious approach to guiding traffic flow throughout the property or space.
Types of night lighting include walk lights (safety and decoration), silhouette lighting (outlines plants when placed behind them), shadow lighting (light placed in front which casts a shadow against the wall behind), down lighting (fixed high in a tree and cast patterns of light and leaf shadows on the ground), and up lighting (fixed on surface and cast pattern of light and form upwardly). When planned properly, these types of lighting can be most pleasing in your night-scapes.
Two lighting precautions must be acknowledged and followed. First, position the lights so as they do not shine into the landscape user’s eyes which would be a safety hazard and inconvenience to the space guest. Secondly, be sure that the level of brightness outside the house equals the level inside the house. Otherwise, the separating glass door or window serves as a mirror and reflects, thus minimizing the value of the lighting effect to the inside viewer looking out into the night-scape.
Enrichment items serve your outdoor spaces quite effectively and are chosen based upon your individual wants and needs. Determination of how you want to use your space will be the guide to what you need to select to fulfill your dreams and provide an outdoor room that is both pleasing and enjoyable.
Structures such as hot tubs, gazebos, pergolas, trellis’s, planters, benches, hammocks, chairs, swings, etc. can be most effective in your spaces. Also, statues, bird houses, bird baths, bird feeders, squirrel feeders, fountains, urns, etc. can be enjoyed too. Chimes effectively positioned on the site offer great acoustics as the wind blows through them. Insure that your outdoor sitting or hammock area, pool or hot tub area, etc. are musically- enriched.
As you can see, enrichment items are those items that you so choose to enrich your landscape in a manner that maximizes curb appeal and application while minimizing clutter and confusion. The principle of “less is more’ is most applicable in enriching the landscape.
“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.” Psalms 100:1-5. “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.” Romans 5:1-2.
Eddie Seagle is a Sustainability Verifier, Golf Environment Organization (Scotland), Agronomist and Horticulturalist, CSI: Seagle (Consulting Services International) LLC, Professor Emeritus and Honorary Alumnus (Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College), Distinguished Professor for Teaching and Learning (University System of Georgia) and Short Term Missionary (Heritage Church, Moultrie). Direct inquiries to csi_seagle@yahoo.com.