Women’s leadership group welcomes 2024-25 cohort

Published 1:23 pm Monday, September 23, 2024

THOMASVILLE — Women-driven leadership took center stage last week in Thomasville as the second cohort of the South Georgia Women’s Leadership Initiative (SGWLI) began its journey with 16 women from eight different communities across the region engaged in a powerful opening retreat.

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Among the participants were Caroline Horne, executive director of the United Way of Colquitt County, and Jennifer Mitchell, a Thomas County woman affiliated with PCOM South Georgia.

Welcomed by retreat sponsor Jackie Santoro, vice president & director of legal affairs at Check-Mate Industries, the class had the opportunity to tour the facility, a unique experience as the gun manufacturer is led by female CEO Regina Vieweg.

SGWLI Program Coordinator Toni Reid, Tifton area manager for Georgia Power, shared her perspective as the program enters its second year.

“We are thrilled to have another full class of extraordinary women ready to take full advantage of resources, knowledge and information to make a difference in Southwest region,” Reid said.

Over the two-day retreat, much of which was held at Southern Regional Technical College, strong connections were made early on as women shared their passions, motivations and challenges they’ve faced as female leaders — both in their professional and personal capacities.

Designed to create clarity of voice and intentionality for female leaders across the region, SGWLI’s second cohort is well on its way to building the bridges and support for women’s leadership that will help the region grow and thrive, the initiative said in a press release. With emphasis on the unique experiences of female leadership, SGWLI provides women with a platform to discuss the challenges they face in business, education, local government and non-profit management in this part of the state.

The 2024-2025 class includes:

Brooks: Heather Pye, SERVPRO of Tifton.

Colquitt: Caroline Horne, United Way of Colquitt County.

Lee: Fonda Thompson, Open Arms, Inc.

Lowndes: Kristina Cheek, Sista Girl Birth Initiative; Megan Fowler, Southern Georgia Regional Commission; Dora Harding, RE/MAX Town & Country; Gala Jackson-Dobbins, Entrepreneur; Denise James, Georgia Power Company; Elizabeth Streater, Event Point; Claire Walton, CSW Advisory Services; and Tesha Larkins, Valdosta City Schools.

Peach: Angela Clark, Georgia Power Company.

Thomas: Jennifer Mitchell, PCOM South Georgia.

Tift: Jill Coogle, Reynolds Foodliner; and Dr. Franzelle Mathis-Pertilla, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College.

Turner: Tracy McCann-Edwards, Asa Healthcare Solutions.

Reid continued by offering her hopes for the women who are committed to completing the program, “By the end of our program year, March 2025, these ladies will have expanded their networks and be ready at the table involved in critical decision making and strategies to progress our region.”

As an alumna of SGWLI, South Georgia Regional Director for ACE (Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs) Tommie Beth Willis believes so strongly in the impact and the potential the program offers for women and that region, that she and ACE have sponsored the women’s initiative over the last two years. Willis offered her support, saying, “Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs is proud to support the SGWLI program as it provides a space that builds and empowers women leaders while helping them create a strong professional and personal network in the region and beyond.”

SGWLI’s second session will be held in Americus (Sumter County) on Oct. 10, focusing on “Women Leading in Business: Expanding the Conversation of How Women Support Other Women & Grow Regional Economy.”

Sessions will rotate around the region, culminating in an empowerment celebration during the month of March in recognition of Women’s History Month.

Sponsors of the 2024-2025 South Georgia Women’s Leadership Initiative to date include: Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs (ACE) South Georgia, Check-Mate Industries, Colony Bank, and Georgia Power Company. Program implementation partners include the J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development at the University of Georgia and the Center for South Georgia Regional Impact at Valdosta State University.

For more information about the South Georgia Women’s Leadership Initiative, please contact Toni Reid, Tifton Area Manager for Georgia Power and SGWLI Program Coordinator at (404) 831-4010 or at southgawomenslx@gmail.com. More information regarding SGWLI can also be found online at https://southgeorgialeads.org/sgwli/, or on Facebook and Instagram.