UPDATE: Students in custody after threats against Tifton school

Published 5:00 pm Monday, September 23, 2024

TIFTON — Two students were taken into custody Monday after threats were made against a school in Tifton, school authorities said.

The threats were made against Eighth Street Middle School, located at 700 W. 8th Street, a statement from Tift County Schools said.

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The FBI had monitored a threat against the school via Snapchat, the Tifton Police Department said in a statement.

The threat stated “Im shooting up 8th St middle school,” the FBI said.

Dana Spurlin, chief of communications for the school system, said law enforcement came out to the school to deal with it.

“There was no lockdown, no evacuation,” she said. “(Law enforcement) took two students into custody.”

A 14-year-old student and a 15-year-old student were arrested and charged with disrupting a public school and terroristic acts and threats; the pair were taken to a youth detention center, police said.

No weapons were found on the juveniles or at the schools, the police statement said.

“As is the case for systems across the state and country, Tift County Schools continues to receive an increase in social media driven threats of violence,” the statement said.