Georgia counties will hand-count all ballots

Published 5:30 pm Monday, September 23, 2024

ATLANTA – In light of the Georgia State Election Board’s decision Friday to require the hand-counting of ballots, local elections officials said they’ll seek guidance from state.

Probate Judge Wes Lewis said, “This is certainly something to digest. Our office will be getting some guidance and direction from the Secretary of State on how to handle this.”

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The rule requires the poll manager and two sworn poll officers to unseal ballot boxes, remove and record the ballots and then have three poll officers independently count them. If all three counts match, the poll officers sign a control document.

In a meeting that had an agenda of 11 procedural matters to cover, a majority of the 30 members of the public who spoke seemed to be mostly concerned with the agenda item that dealt with hand-counting ballots.

Chairman John Fervier commented on how many people had attended the meeting, which included county representatives, legislators and the general public. He also thanked the Georgia state troopers for their assistance at the meeting.

“All I ask is courtesy and consideration,” he told the crowd.

The proposed rule amendment was presented by Fayette County Board of Elections Member Sharlene Alexander and State Election Board member Janelle King.

During the board’s discussion, King said, “There are people who do not trust the machines.”

Also during the discussion, State Election Board Member Janice Johnston stated that California, the largest state in the US by population, counts its ballots, as does Canada.

“I believe this is not supported at all in the statute,” Fervier said. “This board is not here to make law, we’re here to interpret law.”

Early voting starts Oct. 15 and ends on Nov. 1 and Election Day is Nov. 5.

Contact the Colquitt County Registrar’s Office at (229) 616-7056 for more information or go to the county’s voting and elections page.