Sheriff talks to Schley Neighborhood Watch

Published 10:33 am Tuesday, September 10, 2024

MOULTRIE – Sheriff Rod Howell updated the Schley Neighborhood Watch at its meeting Aug. 20.

Donna Lee, a member of the group, said that they had a good turn-out of neighbors for the meeting and Howell updated them on things the sheriff’s office was doing to make the county safer.

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Lt. Sean Ladson of the sheriff’s office also spoke, she said, and had very helpful information. People can contact him at the sheriff’s office, she said, about setting up a neighborhood watch in their community.

The group will meet again Oct. 1 at 6 p.m.

The Schley Neighborhood Watch is having a Trunk or Treat on Oct. 31, from 6 to 8 p.m., at 405 Old Albany Road, in front of B&S Concrete.

“We are inviting the people of the neighborhood to decorate their truck or car for this event and to hand out candy,” Lee said.