LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Hobbies make life complete

Published 10:00 am Saturday, May 20, 2023

Why a hobby? The human psyche needs hobbies to achieve accomplishment. A job well done is the reward in woodworking or any hobby one might choose.

Time spent while we’re waiting to die should have some rewards. Time drags on; however, a hobby speeds the clock.

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Recently time raced too much. My day began around 9 o’clock with my woodworking, crafting a 1951 Ford pickup truck. Engrossed, I checked my watch and it was 4 o’clock. Time can be agonizingly slow when you’re looking for something to pass time. A hobby keeps things regular.

I suppose my hobbies chose me. In 1978, after selling my company and leaving behind a rigorous daily schedule, hypertension set in. I couldn’t breathe.

My doctor said, “You’re bored. Get a hobby.”

So from 1978 to 2000 I worked for two construction crane companies, leasing cranes worldwide. The jobs allowed me to work from home. The hobbies came easily when you are at home full time.

First, there was a quail farm, a riding stable, a woodworking shop, legacy writings. It got better. My last job, which began in 1989 to 2000, returning to Moultrie, I had more free time, so I built two golf courses. In 2010 both golf courses closed due to an economic meltdown in 2008.

I confess, hobbies made my life complete.

Tom Rogers
