Rant and Rave for April 19, 2022
Published 4:25 pm Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Dirt road needs repair
“What does it take to get the county to repair/fix a bad dirt road on Sylvester Drive? It’s been in a mess for about a year and nothing has been done. The road has washed away into my ditch, the pipe is about covered in with dirt, and there are pot holes and mounds of dirt all along the road.”
We deserve a new junior high school
“The staff, teachers, and students at C.A. Gray Jr. High School deserve a new facility. A school’s environment plays a vital role in the educational atmosphere, attitudes, and behavior of all staff and students. The facility is out dated and the location is unsafe. Bad lighting, unclean facility, and many other issues plague the school. Colquitt deserves better!”
Constitutional Carry law
“I am all for the new Constitutional Carry law in Georgia as I have a carry permit.
“However, in my humble opinion, they also should pass stricter penalties and mandatory term sentences for felons who are caught with firearms as well.”
Price gouging
“Gas is 50 cents to 25 cents cheaper per gallon in all surrounding towns! Being price gouged here in Moultrie!”
More ethanol is not the answer
“Biden’s now pushing for more ethanol in gas. Ethanol, the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American public. More ethanol in gasoline will raise food prices even more, is far less efficient fuel wise, gets you fewer MPGs than regular gas, and can ruin gaskets and gas line seals in some vehicles. And Biden says this helps America … puh-lease.”
Pre-schoolers being indoctrinated
“Gender ideology indoctrination in our public schools for 5 year olds. Who ever thought our teachers would fight parents for the right to teach gender reassignment surgery to pre-schoolers? I spent countless hours deprogramming my children when they came home from the local schools. Schools are much worse now. This won’t stop until the schools have no customers.”
Measurements change to keep up drama
“The newest metric in Covid statistics is ‘case counts’ instead of death counts. The government, using case counts, can keep posting massive numbers of infected, though the symptoms are frequently mild or less. Case counts are meaningless numbers. Quietly replacing death counts with case counts keeps dramatics high but is otherwise meaningless. More drama, not honesty, is Democrat’s only goal.”
Start a new tax, then expand it
“Biden’s newest tax increase represents 0.0006% of the 2023 budget. Biden’s goal is getting this new tax on the books. Later, Democrats will ratchet down the minimum trigger amounts, taxing middle class workers heavily. The middle class is where the real money is, and subjecting them to Biden’s new tax will give him untold $Trillions to merrily spend away.”
Trump’s Ukraine reaction
“While Ukraine is being mercilessly pounded daily by Russian forces Trump is asking his good buddy Putin for dirt on Biden.What planet is he on?”
Guns deter robberies
“I’ve seen numerous videos showing what happens when armed robbers ply their trade inside establishments supporting the Second Amendment. I wish several in the Sacramento bar had guns, that would have saved lives. Very few successfully try this stuff where citizens exercise their Second Amendment Rights. Corrupt media only reports part of the truth; they bury the rest.”
More news sources, more misinformation
“It’s ironic that we have magnitudes more news sources and real time information than ever, yet people are more misinformed than ever. Since elites realized they could manipulate people by slanting news, we’ve been inundated with corrupt media’s propaganda. Failure to report news and purposeful slanting of news by injecting opinion as fact into news articles obviously isn’t journalism.”
Democrats expect to be lied to
“Democrat voters don’t seem to care that they’re being lied to, they expect it. The lies they’re fed daily reinforce their beliefs. Today’s ‘Progressives’ (Democrats) seem unable to distinguish what truth is. Truth, to leftists, is relative to what they’ve heard that particular day, nothing more. It shows in how readily they accept obviously false stories that others find unbelievable.”
Climate change isn’t new
“Many dramatic changes in the earth’s climate occurred quite recently. About 14,000 years ago the Wisconsin glacier melted creating the Great Lakes. It must have been quite warm for a sustained period for that to happen. The climate change hoax can’t be easily rebutted because too many massive economic and political interests keep it going thanks to corrupt media.”