Rant and Rave for Feb. 1, 2022

Published 12:22 pm Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Watch crime explode in New York

“New York’s newest District Attorney Alvin Bragg said his office ‘will not seek a carceral sentence’ except with homicides and handfuls of other cases, including domestic violence felonies, some sex crimes and public corruption. Armed robberies and drug dealing will be downgraded to misdemeanors. Prosecutors will stop seeking prison sentences for hordes of criminals. Just watch crime explode in NYC.”

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Biden’s on vacation … again

“I remember how Trump was criticized by the corrupt media for spending too much time on the golf course… That was nothing compared to the vacations Biden is taking. 

“But corrupt media is quiet about Biden’s DC absence and 30+ vacations in 2021. They just cannot be honest, truth telling isn’t part of their job. Leftists won’t allow media honesty.”

Mass shootings continue

“This year there have been 27 mass shootings in the first 23 days. 29 people died mostly in low income neighborhoods, including 10 in two mass shootings. But folks dying in mass shootings don’t meet the Democrat agenda because they didn’t involve ‘semi-automatic assault rifles,’ they involved semi-automatic handguns. 

“Funny how biased and corrupt national media is, huh?”

Renewable energy can’t save the planet

“There’s no meaningful way that renewables will provide the quantity, quality and reliability of internal combustion engines now or for the foreseeable future. 

“Any progress renewables make must be tempered by the reality that renewables are distant future pipe dreams, though the windmill mafioso is getting rich. 

“So, why the ‘pants on fire’ approach to Global Warming? Somebody’s lying, again.”

Don’t blame the virus for this

“Blaming the virus for inflation following Biden’s wild multi-$Trillion spending spree is typical of those avoiding responsibility. 

“Accept no responsibility, deflect blame and dare not be negative towards socialist presidents. Blame anything and everything except the obvious. 

“Where have I heard all of this before – oh yeah, Alinsky. With Democrats, it’s all about spend, spend, spend, ruin, ruin, ruin.”

Does the vaccine work or not?

“Either the vaccine works or it doesn’t. 

“If the vaccine works, there’s no rational reason for the vaccinated to fear the unvaccinated. Telling the vaccinated not to associate with the unvaccinated is admission enough the vaccine doesn’t work. 

“What am I supposed to believe when the vaccinated are told to fear the unvaccinated? I can’t make someone understand fundamental logic.”

Government programs don’t work

“Medicaid doesn’t improve health outcomes, Centers for Disease Control doesn’t control disease. Housing’s less affordable under HUD. Poverty has become more widespread since the War on Poverty began. The War on Drugs is laughable. The Department of Justice is clearly intent on increasing crime. Hard to think of one government program in the last century that’s actually accomplished its goal.”

Social workers are the victims

“A Baltimore social worker was shot and killed recently. Social workers are becoming ‘Collateral Damage’ in Democrat controlled cities. 

“I applaud violence reduction initiatives and those who’ll step into the social worker role. Until you get gangs out of these neighborhoods and off the streets, you’re just increasing the casualty count by having social workers intervene.”

A curse on computer advertising

“I hope that those allowing popups, non-closable advertising, unending clickbaits, etc have to endure those while using their work computers, including those that FLASH, FLASH, FLASH, are LOUD and that have malicious attachments. 

“I hope those allowing such advertising occasionally go home with the killer migraines they cause. 

“And I hope popups offer offensive content on your work computer.”