Rants and Raves

Published 10:12 am Wednesday, September 20, 2017

In response

“So you were walking up into the football stands and you could imagine what people were thinking? Really? I’ve sat in those stands for years and never imagined a ‘what are they doing here’ scenario. I think  your imagination is running wild and you just want to feed a creature that doesn’t exist. All I would be thinking in that instance would be, ‘just get us a first down!’

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“I would like to say thank you to our county for the job they did during the hurricane. Our commissioners seem to be on the ball these days.

Me too

“I know what you mean about the hypocrisy. I grew up in those tobacco fields, and I often wondered why we were growing a weed that neither provided fiber nor was it food, and we were constantly warned about the dangers of smoking this stuff.

I wonder

“So when those tobacco companies got sued for the damage done by cigarettes, why weren’t the tobacco producers sued?

I always wondered about that.

Go figure

“If your child was in a regular classroom he would have air conditioners. I can remember having to open windows just to get a breeze! Go to your school board and complain.

You talk about segregation, the Achievement Center is 80 to 90% minority students. I guess white students don’t get in trouble! Go figure. Worry about education!

I told you so

“When the NAACP comes and investigates the elite and the ones that are segregated I’ll be the one telling you with your heads in the sand that I told you so! Why don’t the paper print the student population and test scores? Cause they trying to cover it up!

Y’all always try to cover things up but you’ll see.

They forget

“The only thing you’ll learn by going to the Board of Education meeting is how to sidestep questions and how people forget their campaign promises once in office.

You’re supposed to stand up for our kids – all of our kids and not be yes men and women!

Gas prices

“Gas prices were quick to go up but are the quick to fall back down to normal prices?

A lot of people cut back when gas prices are high and don’t buy things they normally would.

This affects the economy.