Rants and Raves

Published 8:09 pm Monday, December 28, 2015

Debris issue

“Thanks for the editorial about the debris pick up and the fact that sometimes the ‘giant claw’ scalps our yards. It’s happened to me a couple of times. But let me offer this observation, I don’t think I’ve seen it occur that often in the more affluent neighborhoods. 

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In response

“I had put my trash on the street instead of the yard for the very same reason. Now I don’t have a problem with putting it where it’s supposed to go if the crew that picks it up won’t dig up my grass.

Shake your hand

“To the younger black gentleman I saw openly carrying a pistol at the shopping center: thank you. Thank you for exercising your right. You made my day. It’s something I haven’t seen in some time. If I see you again I plan to shake your hand.


“On my day off I decided to ride around and admire Moultrie and Colquitt County, but I was disappointed. The roadsides are covered with litter. I know we can’t do much about the perpetrators but can’t we decent people clean up after them?

Bad timing

“I really would have enjoyed going to the Packer celebration recently but our churches have services on Wednesday nights. Looks like to me the celebration should have been set up on a night when there were no church services.

Not my preference

“ If you have to wait for an intruder to come in range of your shotgun, it’s probably too late for you and your family. Citizens should be allowed to protect themselves and their family by any means necessary. I prefer a loaded clip.

Your body

“You are correct. It’s your body and you have a right to smoke. That is unless, of course, your second-hand smoke is going into my lungs and the lungs of my children. As well, if you work for a public institution, then I don’t want to help supplement your insurance premiums with my taxes. Outside of that, it’s none of my business. Puff away.


“I’ve been observing the political pundits on this page and I’m quite a mused. For the most part, I’m a Republican. And so are the ultra conservative columnists on this page. I would think instead of concentrating on Hillary Clinton, they would spend more time pontificating on the implosion of the Republican Party.

Mixing bowl

“To the ranter: We have always been a giant mixing bowl. Chinese coolies built our railroads. African slaves picked our cotton. They all brought their cultures. We are such poor history students. 

Hwy. 133

“So what is the progress of Hwy. 133 between Moultrie and Albany?