Schools announce open house schedule
Published 10:56 pm Monday, July 14, 2014
The countdown has begun. School begins in T-minus-23 days.
Students return to class on Thursday, Aug. 7, according to a schedule provided by Colquitt County Schools. Teachers start pre-planning Aug. 1 with new teacher orientation the day before.
Parents can look forward to open house events, which nearly all the schools will hold Aug. 5:
• All elementary schools will hold open house for students in pre-kindergarten through fifth grade 4-7 p.m. that day.
• Sixth and seventh grades will hold open house 3-6 p.m. at Willie J. Williams Middle School.
• Eighth and ninth grades will hold open house noon to 6 p.m. at C.A. Gray Junior High.
• Tenth through 12th grades will hold open house 5-7 p.m. at Colquitt County High School.
• The Gifted Center will hold open house 1-6 p.m.
The Colquitt County Achievement Center will hold its open house 5-7 p.m. Aug. 11, with classes starting Aug. 14.
The Pathways Program, which contracts with the school system for special education services at Vereen School, has not announced its open house plans.
The school system encourges parents to attend open house to meet their child(ren)’s teachers. Transportation officials will be on hand at all schools to assist with bus routes.
Colquitt County Schools are a part of the Community Eligibility Provision; therefore, all student meals at all school sites will be available at no charge.
The Moultrie Observer will publish its annual Back-to-School Calendar Thursdsay, July 31, and the calendar will have open house and other important dates already printed on it.
The school system does not require parents to purchase school supplies, according to a press release, but many parents want to buy some items. If parents choose to purchase, recommended items include:
• Pencils and/or simple ball-point pens (black ink).
• Pencil/pen pouch.
• Notebook paper.
• Pocket folders.
• Some type of three-ring binder for students in grades 3-12.