Summertime is fun time!
Published 9:44 pm Friday, June 13, 2014
- Eddie Seagle is a Sustainability Associate, Golf Environment Organization (Scotland), Agronomist and Horticulturalist, CSI: Seagle (Consulting Services International), Professor Emeritus and Honorary Alumnus, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, and Associate Editor of The Golf Course, International Journal of Golf Science. Direct inquiries to
“Summer is the stuff of dreams. When adults sit at their desks, and children sit in school, they dream of summer. Summer is the time of infinite fun. The day seems to last forever, and the fun never stops. It is a time of romance, excitement and an enhanced enjoyment of life. Somehow summer never seems to last long enough. It is always over before we get a chance to fully experience its power. This is true of all things wonderful. They always seem too short.” Family Friends Poems, Summer.
Summer will officially be here on June 21! Oh, but how it feels like it is already here with our long days and high temps. The months of June, July and August have often been referenced as the “relaxing trifecta” of summer. It is the season to get outside and enjoy everything God and mother nature has made available to us as a recreational opportunity for personal enjoyment and emotional satisfaction. Whatever your choice of recreation might be, just do it and enjoy to its fullest but remember safety and respect for everyone (people and pets). Are you ready? Can you be responsible? With these thoughts in mind, welcome summer with a few guidelines to help you be more responsible and better enjoy your activities. Summertime is funtime!
Pet safety and etiquette: Pets are great to have and become wonderful buddies. Please be responsible for your dogs and cats. Treat them with the best of attention and care. Know their limitations in this hot weather. Leash them when you are walking with them, pick up poopy, and do not allow them to stray. Give them plenty of fresh water. Make sure your fenced area for their playful moments accommodates their needs and safety. Do not place them in a small pens in direct sun. Limit their time in the hot sun and do not leave them in hot cars. Train them to sit on the front porch with you; this is an opportunity to share quality time with them. Follow all local ordinances. Take proper care of your large animal pets also.
People time in the sun: Get some exercise out in the sun and re-energize with a healthy dose of natural Vitamin D. Pace yourself and do not stress out. Wear appropriate clothing and eyewear that gives good UV protection. Use sunblock with appropriate SPF and PABA-free as per your doctor’s recommendation (skin cancer is something we want to prevent). Also, select a sunscreen especially for your face to avoid clogging your pores. Repellents are good in keeping the gnats, no-see-ums, and mosquitoes away from you. Drink plenty of fluids. If possible, spend time outside early or late away from the heat of the day. Be safe not sorry!
Chemical usage: Always restrict your children’s and pet’s access to the lawn and landscape immediately after applying pesticides and chemicals. These are most dangerous immediately after application. A few hours of sunshine will allow the pesticides and chemicals to dry and be absorbed by plants or soil. The best approach is to restrict entrance into the area for at least 8 hours before allowing your children or pets re-entry (morning spraying with afternoon re-entry or afternoon spraying with next morning re-entry). Also, when using baits for pests, select a non-toxic bait that will be safe around dogs and cats. Note that many baits can cause tremors and seizures in these pets that can be severe and life-threatening.
Curb appeal: Edging improves curb appeal. Edge driveways, sidewalks and other walkways around the landscape and prune anything that is hanging over or onto the driveway or walkways. If the boundary between the driveway and lawn is not defined, install proper edging materials such as stone or bricks for effective definition. The edging can be level with the driveway or elevated. However, elevated driveway edging can protect the lawn, preventing kids from riding their bicycles or cars from driving onto the lawn. Use a leaf blower to remove all debris from drives, walkways, passageways, lawns, etc.
Container plants: These plants (such as geraniums, begonias, etc.) are high maintenance. Keep a check on them daily. Do not let them dry and wilt. Provide sufficient water and fertilizer to maintain quality, health and curb appeal.
Toxic plants: Be aware that emerging perennial bulbs, plants and grasses can be a definite temptation for dogs, cats and rabbits to eat. The best approach is to always discourage your pets from eating any plant or fungus in the lawn or landscape since many of the common garden plants and moisture-loving mushrooms can be poisonous if eaten. Simply know your plants and mushrooms and make a responsible decision around children and pets.
Also, azaleas, cycad palms, oleander, foxglove, lily of the valley, castor bean, and lantana can be toxic to pets. All varieties of lilies (including Easter lily, tiger lily and day lily) can be toxic to cats, often resulting in kidney failure unless the animal receives immediate treatment. Also, keep your compost pile covered or contained and out of the reach of your pet since the decomposing, fermenting, and moldy contents can be dangerous to them.
Summer stress pointers: Review your cultural practices (mowing, fertilization and irrigation) in the lawn and landscape. As the temperature rises, adjust your mowing practices (the taller the grass, the deeper the roots and improved drought and pest tolerance). Centipedegrass should be mowed at 1.5 to 2-inches height of cut. During the heat of the summer, keep it closer to two-inches. Also, the mowing frequency can be adjusted to once every 10 days or so. When mowing, cut one-third and leave two-thirds intact to prevent scalping (if 3-inches tall, remove one-inch of growth, thus two-inches tall).
Water usage: Effectively manage the water in your landscape. Calibrate your irrigation heads for proper output. Correct overspray and nontarget wetting. Your landscape needs only about one-inch of water per week. Do not water daily. Water in the early morning hours to prevent loss from evaporation and disease potential. About two applications each week should suffice. Keep your plants healthy. Too much water is destructive and deadly to your plants. With summer comes heat, drought and watering bans. Adjust landscape care during the summer months to give relief to lawns, landscapes, gardens, and gardeners. Using less water is good for the environment and your budget.
Home alone: If your plants are left home alone during vacation, please schedule someone to provide proper attention and care during your absence. Do not leave your plants unattended! A neighbor can serve this role quite effectively. However, be prepared and willing to return the favor for them as needed.
As you continue your sustainable plantscaping this summer and commit to this cost and effort, please also commit to providing the necessary care to keep your plants healthy and attractive. And, as always, remember to feed and water the birds! Enjoy the month of June moment by moment and day by day. And remember, summertime is funtime!
Please pray for each member of our mission team (Heritage of Moultrie, Free Chapel of Gainseville, GA, and First Presbyterian of Haines City, FL) this month as we spiritually and physically prepare for our mission trip to the Amazonia Jungle of Peru on July 10-19.
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.” Psalm 19:1-2.